Redox Customer Connect Conference 2022

Held in PHILADELPHIA, PA · October 18, 2022

Keynote speaker, e-Patient Dave deBronkart

Dave deBronkart, known on the internet as e-Patient Dave, is the author of the highly rated Let Patients Help: A Patient Engagement Handbook and one of the world’s leading advocates for patient engagement. After beating stage IV kidney cancer in 2007 he became a blogger, health policy advisor and international keynote speaker.

Breakout session for Developers

Lighting it up without burning it down: Becoming a FHIR early adopter or fusing FHIR with partners

with Nick McKenzie and Elizabeth Ojo

FHIR is the future and the future is here. Learn about how Redox approaches FHIR for queries, events, and writeback and how we can help you integrate using FHIR no matter what your connecting partner supports on the other side.

Breakout session for Developers

The power of claims as a clinical application

with Nick Hatt

Learn how to use claims as a clinical application

Breakout session for Implementers

Redox Ecosystem + You’re live, now what?

with Kaitlin Daugherty and Brendan Iglehart

Strategies for deepening your integration with already live connections to make your product stickier with customers.