EHR integration

DIY or outsource: EHR integration costs for providers

This guide explores the financial implications and strategic considerations of managing EHR integrations in-house versus using third-party vendors. Based on a survey of over 100 U.S. provider organizations, it reveals key insights into the true costs, resource constraints, and expertise required for successful integration projects.

EHR integration strategy

The question on everyone’s mind… Should I build or…

Accelerating value-based care adoption through interoperability

The shift to value-based care has been slowed by the inability to harmonize…

The limitations of integration

EHR Integrating in an efficient and scalable…

5 things you need to know about EHR APIs

EHR Integration APIs have finally made their way to healthcare. While they promise to change the way…

Integration love triangle: Redox, applications, and health systems

With the often complex landscape of legacy EHRs and IT systems used at hospitals and clinics across the country,…

Working with EHRs and health systems

This webinar is designed to provide a high level overview of Electronic Health Records (EHRs,) including a rundown…

Why tech can’t cross the chasm in healthcare

The cost of healthcare has been steadily rising for the past decade. By any actuarial analysis, we’re…

Pro tip: Understand the history of EHR adoption before trying…

With an influx of digital health funding, more and more professionals from other verticals are flocking to…

Improving diabetes research & treatment with clinical data integration

1 in 11 people worldwide live with diabetes. That’s over 415 million people suffering from a life-threatening disease…

Want new ways to share data with EHRs? We’ve got…

  The end of September and the beginning of fall has brought with it some new features and…

An EHR integration story: CODE Technology’s Mark Scheppe

The other day, I had the opportunity to interview Mark Scheppe, a developer at…

Build vs. buy: the integrator’s dilemma

For digital health application developers, creating an amazing health solution is just the beginning of getting into patients…

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