Product development

Three FHIR myths that hold back digital health enterprises

Healthcare software vendors prioritize projects that use HL7® Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR®) over those built on…

3 FHIR myths that hold innovators back

FHIR-first is the new trend, but it's not perfect. Learn how to overcome misconceptions and ensure interoperability.

Healthcare integration jobs to be done webinar

Healthcare integration jobs to be done The six must-dos to integrate…

70+ companies driving the future of healthcare technology

Redox exists because healthcare needs technology. We need it to help clinicians work more efficiently and health systems…

Digital health is bigger in Texas

Austin is consistently part of the “next Silicon Valley” discussion, though if you asked its residents, they would…

Couples counseling – Coming to a wrist near you

When X and Y don’t get along, sometimes they need Z to intervene. That’s one…

Population Health 101

Population Health Data is emerging as a massively important vertical in healthcare, and for good reason—it supports…

Wear your heart (rate) on your sleeve

If you figure out how to sell something people will always need, you’ll never go out…

The rise of robot surgeons

Robot automation is inescapable even for surgeons. Robotic surgeons could be a huge improvement toward getting rid of…

The complex emergence of oncology applications

There’s no denying that technology is rapidly and dramatically changing the way we treat cancer. Doctors and medical…

Three reasons why building tech in healthcare is different

Building apps in healthcare is different from developing them in other industries. From the reasons we do it…

Brain computer interfaces give voice to patients suffering from speech…

Often, when considering innovation, we only think about the creations that will impact the average consumer, and thus…

How enterprise apps are paving the way for consumer health

The empowered patient is a dream of many healthcare technologists. Watch our co-founder Niko Skievaski outline how the…

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