Healthcare strategy

Vital Lines August 2024

TOP STORIES Health tech policy: A Q2 recap  Since April, Congress has tackled an array of health…

Vital Lines July 2024

TOP STORIES HTI-2: What you need to know No time to wade through ONC’s 1,067-page proposed HTI-2…

Vital Lines June 2024

TOP STORIES EHR vendor tools fail integration test Behavioral health organizations are investing in EHR vendor tools…

Badass women in health tech: Heather Bowerman

Heather Bowerman is on the brink of launching the first saliva test for endometriosis,…

Badass women in health tech: Michelle Longmire, CEO of Medable

Michelle Longmire was raised by a family of scientists, so when she went on to become a…

Badass women in health tech: Chrissa McFarlane, CEO of Patientory

Earlier this year, Chrissa McFarlane made headlines for raising $7.2 million in three days via online blockchain token sales of her company Patientory. McFarlane has been making a name for herself in the health tech space as a young female founder working to eliminate siloed, centralized EMR systems through her technology.

Badass women in health tech: Elaine Warren, Founder of SurvivorPlan

Elaine Warren is a decorated technologist with a resume that includes leadership roles at Accenture, the Veterans Health…

Health insurance companies are evil, and other things people believe

What do the tooth fairy, traveling in Eastern Europe, and Google have to do…

Badass women in health tech: Star Cunningham, 4D Healthware

Former IBM executive Star Cunningham has spent over a decade building tech solutions for Fortune 500 clients. Today, she is the founder and CEO of 4D Healthware, a digital platform that helps patients track chronic conditions virtually through wearable devices, scales, and sensors, and share them with their healthcare providers.

Interviews from healthcare’s frontlines: Dr. Stephen Breneman

With access to more healthcare data than ever before, medicine is at a pivotal…

Badass women in health tech: Sally Poblete, CEO of Wellthie

When Sally Poblete stepped down from her 20-year career as a healthcare executive to launch a company of…

The healthcare hotspot: Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill

There’s a common notion that inspiration can strike while people are thinking in the shower. Or, that ideas…

Lab-grown blood, coming to a vein near you

Money doesn’t grow on trees—it’s actually grown in a lab, and it’s synthetic human blood. Lab-produced artificial blood…

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