The Redox Podcast 16: Digital health startup advice with Dr. Roxie Mooney
Apr 15, 2020

Key Moments
02:35 - Being creative and helpful during COVID-19 07:25 - Building an early adoption strategy 15:35 - How to avoid “pilot purgatory” 20:18 - The role health systems play in helping innovators come to market – for better or worse 25:43 - Changes for technology developers as they cope with changing sales cycles 31:40 - What can start-ups do to stay viable during the current economic disruption?
“For any of those technology developers or innovators out there that have a solution related to COVID-19, they have a responsibility to make sure that the people they can serve and serve well know about it and make it available to them.”
Dr. Roxie Mooney
Dr. Roxie Mooney is CEO & Healthcare Innovation Strategist of Legacy DNA, a company that helps health innovators move from idea to full market adoption.
Legacy DNA is known for its COIQ System - which is a mash-up of the acronym COI, “commercialization of innovation,” with IQ. COIQ represents the knowledge and insights that health innovators need to maximize market success.
Over the past 20 years, Dr. Roxie has helped to generate marketplace success for a wide range of health and lifestyle companies. She generously shared her insights with Niko Skievaski in this conversation.
Our thanks to Dr. Roxie Mooney for sharing her expertise with us on The Redox Podcast!