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Our certifications

For all our cloud environments, Redox maintains Health Information Trust Alliance (HITRUST®) certification

For Redox transactions on AWS, we have earned the HITRUST r2 certification, the highest standard achievable, validated by a third-party auditor. Redox transactions on GCP have earned HITRUST i1 certification for our leading security practices.

Redox maintains a SOC 2® Type 2 report. The Service Organization Control (SOC) 2 standard establishes the compliance and controls for information security, availability, privacy, and other metrics. Type 2 indicates a compliance and evaluation period over multiple months.

Our regulatory compliance

Safe data connections you can trust

The Redox interoperability platform is 100% hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP), with which we have business associate agreements (BAAs). Additional security measures for data connections include:

  • Encrypted backups maintained with redundancy

  • No traffic interruptions during code changes 

  • Failover activation for outages

  • Extensive third-party security program

  • Advanced defense-in-depth strategy and execution

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Application security you can count on

To protect your data, Redox exceeds industry, HIPAA-compliant, and National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) recommended encryption standards.

Connection safeguards

  • End-to-end encryption to secure data transmitted over HTTPS connections

  • Private subnet hosting for the Redox database and app containers (making them inaccessible from the outside Internet)

  • Automatic security updates for endpoints, with forced HTTPS at the endpoint layer

Authentication methods

Bug bounty program

  • A public program managed by HackerOne

  • Anyone can register to test the security of the Redox platform or to report any security concerns/issues

  • More than 500 researchers in the past 12 months

Customer monitoring and resolution

  • 24/7 monitoring via dark web and other intel sources for compromised customer dashboard and corporate accounts

  • Compromised account alerts and Redox-assisted resolution

Want to learn more about Redox’s security measures or technology?

HITRUST® is a registered trademark of HITRUST Services Corp.

SOC 2® is an international registered trademark of the AICPA.