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Introducing the Redox "Notes" data model

Apr 15, 2016

Redox employee listening intently to customer requests. Just kidding. That's Joe Dumars.

Fresh Functionality Friday!

Something we pride ourselves on here at Redox is our ability to listen to our customers and make swift changes/ additions to our offering. Over the past couple months the number one request for additional functionality from partners and prospects alike was the ability to create and access information stored in clinical notes. Well, we listened, and today we are incredibly excited to announce release of our 14th data model- Notes!

The low down

Redox's Notes data model:

  • Is Bi-directional. (Yup. Read AND Write.)

  • Utilizes HL7 v2 and/or Web Services, depending on the EHR on the other side.

  • Includes Event types: New, Replace, Modify, and Delete.

  • Looks like this - select Notes from left hand nav. (You'll need to be logged in. Dont have an account? Get access here.)

Real life examples

Ok, cool. You added another data model. What does that mean for me and my application? Help me wrap my head around what new functionality is now possible.

I'm glad you asked hypothetical customer. Here are a few example use cases we expect groups to leverage:

  • Discharge Summaries: When someone gets discharged from the hospital, the discharge summary is key for the referring and/or primary care provider to support the patient post-discharge.

  • Documentation Only Encounter: Ahem. Looking at you telemedicine apps/ home care providers ;). You can now send a Note back into the EHR reviewing care administered.

  • Alternative to PDFs: Just need to add a few lines of text? Structuring a PDF and utilizing Media is no longer the only option.

  • Niche System Notes: Behavioral health? Dermatology? Our Notes data model opens up a plethora of opportunities to associate information from these outside providers/ systems in a way that fits into existing clinician workflows.

What's next?

We have a number of exciting developments in the works that we can't wait to share with you. In the meantime, we'd like to thank everyone who has generously shared their feedback and continues to help us shape our solution. Your insight is incredibly valuable and sincerely appreciated.

Have thoughts on additional functionality/ improvements you'd like to see? Shoot me a message at:


Wildlife Fact #14: Bears are known to break out sophisticated dance routines when new functionality is released.