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January 2023 updates to the Redox docs

Jan 11, 2023

In the last few months, we made some updates to our docs and are excited to share them with you. We hope these updates improve your experience with our docs. Remember you can submit feedback using the links at the bottom of each page. We can’t wait to hear what you think!

New UX for FHIR API reference

The biggest change we released is a new UX for our FHIR API reference. Check out some of the new features we implemented.

  • Cleaner, simpler look: We heard from you that the old UI was clunky and tough to navigate, so we cleaned it up. We simplified how the fields display, removed unnecessary lines, added a splash of color, and created a cleaner style for expanding and collapsing nested sections.

  • Resource descriptions: Have you ever wondered what a certain FHIR resource may be used for? We added details to each resource letting you know what type of information to expect and how it’s used to take away some of the mystery.

  • Change your view: During user testing, we learned that some of you preferred an overview of the schema in a single column with examples and field description in-line. Others preferred a more detailed two-column view to follow along with while coding. So, we decided to do both! Use the toggle at the top right of the page to switch your view.

  • Pop out examples: Sometimes you don’t care about all the schema details and just want to see the example front and center. Now you can expand the examples into a larger view so you can get up close and personal with the JSON itself.

  • All possible responses: The most requested feature we heard about was to see potential errors you might receive from each call. You can now see all possible status codes, as well as successful examples, so you know what fields or structure to expect for each. You can select which you’d like to view using the buttons above each example response.

  • Link directly to a relevant field: FHIR is complex and has many layers (like an onion, or an ogre). What if you want to share something about a specific field with a colleague, but the field is deeply nested? Good news, you can now link directly to it. Use the link icon next to each field to copy a link to it. When your coworker clicks the link, the screen scrolls directly to the relevant field and briefly highlights the field so they know where to look.

Updated quickstart guide

We updated the quickstart guide in our docs to outline the most common path our customers follow to start using Redox. We’ve pulled all the relevant articles into one place so you can follow them in order and dive right in! Just click “Quickstart” from the navigation menu.