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March 2023 product and event update

Mar 29, 2023

Redox is ramping up for spring! HIMSS 2023 is on the horizon (we’ll be at booth 2638!), new content is live on the Redox podcast, and product updates are coming soon to enable better monitoring and alerting.

Coming soon

Traffic Alert Rules

Proactive monitoring using traffic alert rules is coming soon in the Redox dashboard. When organizations create a traffic alert rule and the conditions of the rule are met, Redox will send an email to the designated users.

Traffic alert rules allow organizations to receive alerts only when necessary to see an irregularity, instead of having to constantly check the dashboard. This new functionality will also allow stakeholders to independently monitor integration health without relying on Redox support.

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How to find traffic alert rules in the Redox dashboard

Visit our documentation hub for more information on traffic alert rules, as well as detailed steps to set up alerting rules in the Redox dashboard.

Available early April 2023

Upcoming events

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Tech Talks - Lean forward: Mapping HL7v2 to FHIR webinar

[Virtual event] Lean forward – mapping HL7v2 to FHIR

Thursday, March 30 at 2 pm ET

Adopting FHIR may feel daunting in a world where the majority of EHRs still rely on HL7v2 for data exchange. Don’t let HL7v2’s ubiquity hold you back.  Lean forward into the future by mapping and transforming HL7v2 to FHIR.

Join us for an understanding of how investing in HL7v2 to FHIR mapping capabilities can help you accelerate FHIR adoption, and Redox’s recommendations on HL7v2 to FHIR mapping. Save your seat

Keep an eye on upcoming events, and view our past events + video resources.

Event recap

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[Webinar] In the bullpen with Jeff Englander – How AI & cloud are transforming healthcare

Join Jeff Englander and special guest David Rhew, Global Chief Medical Officer and VP of Healthcare at Microsoft for a conversation on healthcare’s current state and bright future with AI and cloud. Watch now

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