Update to Redox documentation resources
May 17, 2022
Today, we’re announcing a new Docs home designed to improve your experience as a Redox user. This new resource will consolidate information previously available across multiple domains. Our vision is to create a resource that delights all of our users.

In the next few weeks, we plan to update and modernize the Docs home, while improving the user experience. The new Docs home will be available beginning on May 24, 2022.
On June 7, 2022, we’ll be sunsetting developer.redoxengine.com and fhir.redoxengine.com. Links will redirect to the new docs.redoxengine.com home wherever possible.
Some benefits of the new Docs home include:
Consolidation of multiple resources enables users to access more of our content in one central place while streamlining the experience. We’re adding a consistent visual display for our resources.
Better organization and improved search features introduce more ways to find the right content needed for troubleshooting and quickly gaining knowledge. Search will continue improving over time, adding new ways to find the information you need, including tagging articles by common search terms so they’re easy to find.
New Modern Content Framework to provide users with the best possible experience, we’ve spent the last few months reworking our content from the ground up. Now it’s easier than ever for users to use our Docs. These new tools also allow for reusable content in multiple locations, decreasing the effort required for updating or adding new content, meaning we have more ways to create content that serves you better.
These updates are one way we hope to improve your experience. We look forward to your feedback! After the transition, you will be able to provide feedback directly within the Docs themselves.