Enhancing flexibility with updates to translation sets

September 24, 2024
Gaurav Bhatia Sr. Product Manager

At Redox, we’re not just introducing features; we’re shaping a future where you have full visibility and control over your healthcare integrations. We’re excited to announce the latest updates to our translation sets feature—a key tool in the Redox dashboard that gives you more control and flexibility in managing codes and values.

What’s new with translation sets?

Set case sensitivity
You may have noticed some translations didn’t work like you expected because of case variations. Our latest update allows you to decide whether a translation set should be case sensitive or case insensitive to avoid confusion or extra work. This new option ensures your translations are applied how you intend, so that your data processes with fewer errors.

Will my existing translation sets be affected?
You might be wondering if your current translation sets will continue to work if you don’t set case sensitivity. But don’t worry, your existing translation sets will remain unaffected by this update unless you choose to modify them. Case sensitivity is optional, meaning you can apply it to new or existing translation sets at your discretion.

Stay in control of your connections
This update to translation sets is just one of the many ways we’re helping you take control of data integrations with your connections. We’re committed to continuously unveiling new features that empower you to take charge of your healthcare interoperability journey with confidence.

Want to learn more about this translation set update?

Visit our dev docs for a deeper dive. You can also reach out to your Technical Account Manager or Account Executive. (Not sure who that is? No worries, contact us and we’ll get you in touch with the right person.)